ह्यारी एस् ट्र्युम्यान

ह्यारी एस् ट्र्युम्यान

April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953
उपराष्ट्रपति(तः)   None (1945–1949),[]<br
न्हापायाम्ह पदाधिकारी Franklin D. Roosevelt
लिपायाम्ह पदाधिकारी Dwight D. Eisenhower

January 20, 1945 – April 12, 1945
न्हापायाम्ह पदाधिकारी Henry A. Wallace
लिपायाम्ह पदाधिकारी Alben W. Barkley

बुगु May 8, 1884
Lamar, Missouri
मदुगु December 26, 1972
Kansas City, Missouri
राजनीतिक पार्टी Democratic
तिरिमैजु/तिरिभाजु Bess Wallace Truman
धर्म Baptist
  1. Until the adoption of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1965, there was no provision for filling a mid-term vacancy in the office of Vice President. Find Law for Legal Professionals - U.S. Constitution: Twenty-Fifth Amendment - Annotations