सम्पादनज्वजलपा! नेपाल भाषा विकिपिडियाय् छित: लसकुस दु। थ्व हलिमसफु आ भौतिक संरचना देकिगु अवस्थाय् दु| थुकिगु न्ह्येथेनिगु ज्याय् ग्वाहाली याना ज्ञानयागु ईनेज्याय् ब्वति कयादिसं|
Hello and welcome to Nepal Bhasa wikipedia. This version of wikipedia is in the stage of primary development. Please participate in the development of wikipedia and aid the cause of dissemination of knowledge.--Eukesh 15:10, 5 November 2006 (UTC)
More Dual-script Wikipediae
सम्पादनThere are also dual-script systems on Wikipediae such as the Chinese one and the Serbian one, along with the Kazakh one. Please look at these also. Please also see this. On the Chinese Wikipedia they have automatic conversion between different Chinese scripts. I'm not sure if this would work with Kashmiri or Romani, but please look at it anyway. Thank you. --Wolf 19:40 08 ज्यानुवरी 2006