अगस्ट ६
थ्व दिं ग्रेगोरियन पात्रोयागु दिं खः। थ्व दिं खुनु जुगु ऐतिहासिक घटनातः थु कथलं दु:
सम्पादन- १५३८ - बोगोटा, कोलम्बियाया गोन्जालो जिमेनेज दे क्वेसादानं पलिस्था।
- १७८७ - Sixty proof sheets of the Constitution of the United States are delivered to the Constitutional Convention.
- १८०६ - Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor, abdicates, thus ending the Holy Roman Empire.
- १८१९ - Norwich University founded in Vermont as the first private military school in the United States.
- १८२५ - बोलिभिया स्पेन स्वया स्वतन्त्र जुइ।
- १८४५ - रसियन ज्योग्राफिकल सोसाइटीया सन्त पिटर्सबर्गय् पलिस्था।
- १८६१ - British annexation of Lagos, Nigeria.
- १८६२ - अमेरिकन गृह युद्ध: The Confederate ironclad CSS Arkansas is scuttled on the Mississippi River after suffering damage in a battle with USS Essex near Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- १८७० - Franco-Prussian War: Battle of Wœrth is fought, resulting in a decisive Prussian victory.
- १८९० - At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by electric chair.
- १९०१ - Kiowa land in Oklahoma is opened for white settlement, effectively dissolving the contiguous reservation.
- १९०९ - Alice Ramsey and three friends become the first women to complete a transcontinental auto trip.
- १९१२ - The Bull Moose Party meets at the Chicago Coliseum.
- १९१४ - World War I: First Battle of the Atlantic - Two days after the United Kingdom declared war on Germany over the German invasion of Belgium, ten German U-boats leave their base in Heligoland to attack Royal Navy warships in the North Sea.
- १९१४ - World War I: Serbia declares war on Germany; Austria declares war on Russia.
- १९१४ - Denis Patrick Dowd Jr. enlists in the French Foreign Legion, becoming the first American to fight in World War I.
- १९१५ - World War I: Battle of Sari Bair - The Allies mount a diversionary attack timed to coincide with a major Allied landing of reinforcements at Suvla Bay.
- १९१७ - World War I: The Battle of Mărăşeşti between the Romanian and German armies begins.
- १९२३ - Henry Sullivan swims the English Channel.
- १९२६ - Gertrude Ederle becomes first woman to swim across the English Channel.
- १९२६ - In New York, the Warner Brothers' Vitaphone system premieres with the movie Don Juan starring John Barrymore.
- १९२६ - Harry Houdini performs his greatest feat, spending ९१ minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping.
- १९४१ - A curfew is imposed on US gas stations in preparation for the upcoming war.
- १९४२ - Queen Wilhelmina is the first reigning queen to address a joint session of the United States Congress.
- १९४५ - World War II: Hiroshima is devastated when an atomic bomb, "Little Boy", is dropped by the United States B-२९ Enola Gay. Around ७०,००० people were killed instantly.
- १९५६ - After going bankrupt in १९५५, the American broadcaster DuMont Television Network has its final broadcast, a boxing match from St. Nicholas Arena.
- १९६० - Cuban Revolution: In response to a United States embargo, Cuba nationalizes American and foreign-owned property in the nation.
- १९६१ - Second successful manned orbital flight (USSR, Gherman Titov)
- १९६२ - Jamaica becomes independent.
- १९६४ - Prometheus, the world's oldest tree, is cut down.
- १९६५ - US President Lyndon बुगु Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act of १९६५ into United States law.
- १९६६ - Braniff Airlines Flight २५० crashes in Falls City, NE killing all ४२ on boarमदुगु
- १९७६ - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto lays foundation-stone of Port Qasim, Karachi.
- १९८४ - Pop star Prince releases Purple Rain, the album which would launch him to superstardom.
- १९८६ - A low-pressure system that redeveloped off the New South Wales coast dumps a record ३२८ millimetres (१३ inches) of rain in a day on Sydney.
- १९८८ - "Tompkins Square Park Police Riot" in New York City. A riot erupted in Tompkins Square Park when police attempted to enforce a newly-passed curfew for the park. Bystanders, artists, residents, homeless people and political activists were caught up in the police action that took place on the night of August ६ and the early morning of August ७.
- १९९० - Gulf War: The United Nations Security Council orders a global trade embargo against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
- १९९१ - टिम बर्नर्स-लीनं वय्कःया वर्ल्ड वाइड वेबया बिचाया वर्णन याना फाइलत रिलिज यानादि। WWW इन्टरनेटय् पब्लिकली अभैलेबल सर्भिसया कथं डेब्यु याइ।
- १९९१ - Doi Takako, chair of the Social Democratic Party (Japan), becomes Japan's first female speaker of the House of Representatives.
- १९९३ - Louis Freeh is confirmed by the United States Senate to be the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- १९९६ - नांजागु पंक रक खलः रेमोन्सनं इमिगु २,२६३गु व अन्तिम कन्सर्ट द प्यालेस्, लस एन्जेल्सय् बी।
- १९९६ - NASA announces that the ALH ८४००१ meteorite, thought to originate from Mars, contains evidence of primitive life-forms.
- १९९७ - माइक्रोसफ्टं आर्थिक गतिविधि स्यनाच्वंगु एप्पल कम्प्युटरया $१५० मिलियनया सेयर न्यात।
- १९९७ - Korean Air Flight ८०१, a Boeing ७४७-३००, crashes into the jungle on Guam on approach to airport, killing २२८.
- २००० - The Roman Catholic Church's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, publishes Dominus Iesus, notable for its lack of the filioque clause in the Latin text of the Nicene Creed.
- २००१ - White House briefing entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S. delivered to George W. Bush. This document foreshadowed the September ११, २००१ attacks.
- २००२ - Marquis de la Fayette is made Honorary Citizen of the United States
- २००२ - Manindra Agrawal et al prove the long standing number theory conjecture in the article entitled Primes in P.
- २००२ - A coal mine cave collapes in Colorado trapping ६ men.
- २००७ - The Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah collapses trapping ६ men.
सम्पादन- ११८० - जापानयाम्ह सम्राट गो-तोबा (मदुगु १२३९)
- १५०४ - म्याथ्यु पार्कर, क्यान्टरब्युरीया आर्कबिशप (मदुगु १५७५)
- १६१९ - बार्बरा स्त्रोज्जी, Italian singer and composer (मदुगु १६७७)
- १६३८ - निकोलस मालेब्रान्चे, French philosopher (मदुगु १७१५)
- १६४४ - Louise de la Vallière, French mistress of Louis XIV of France (मदुगु १७१०)
- १६५६ - Claude de Forbin, French naval commander (मदुगु १७३३)
- १६९७ - चार्ल्स ७, पवित्र रोमन सम्राट (मदुगु १७४५)
- १७१५ - Luc de Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargues, French writer (मदुगु १७४७)
- १७६६ - William Hyde Wollaston, English chemist (मदुगु १८२८)
- १७६८ - Jean-Baptiste Bessières, French marshal (मदुगु १८१३)
- १७७५ - Daniel O'Connell, Irish politician (मदुगु १८४७)
- १८०९ - Alfred Lord Tennyson, English poet (मदुगु १८९२)
- १८४४ - James Henry Greathead, British engineer (मदुगु १८९६)
- १८४४ - Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (मदुगु १९००)
- १८६१ - Edith Roosevelt, American First Lady of the United States (मदुगु १९४८)
- १८६८ - Paul Claudel, French poet (मदुगु १९५५)
- १८७४ - चार्ल्स फर्ट, American writer and researcher (मदुगु १९३२)
- १८७७ - Wallace H. White, Jr., American politician (मदुगु १९५२)
- १८८० - Hans Moser, Austrian actor (मदुगु १९६४)
- १८८१ - Leo Carrillo, American actor (मदुगु १९६१)
- १८८१ - अलेक्जेन्डर फ्लेमिङ, स्कट्टिश वैज्ञानिक, Nobel laureate (मदुगु १९५५)
- १८८१ - Louella Parsons, American gossip columnist (मदुगु १९७२)
- १८८७ - Dudley Benjafield, British racing driver (मदुगु १९५७)
- १८८८ - Heinrich Schlusnus, German baritone (मदुगु १९५२)
- १८८९ - John Middleton Murry, English poet (मदुगु १९५७)
- १८८९ - George Kenney, American Air Force General (मदुगु १९७७)
- १८९१ - William Slim, British general (मदुगु १९७०)
- १८९२ - Hoot Gibson, American actor (मदुगु १९६२)
- १८९३ - Wright Patman, American politician (मदुगु १९७६)
- १९०० - Cecil H. Green, American geophysicist (मदुगु २००३)
- १९०२ - Dutch Schultz, American bootlegger (मदुगु १९३५)
- १९०४ - Henry Iba, American basketball coach (मदुगु १९९३)
- १९०६ - Vic Dickenson, American trombonist (मदुगु १९८४)
- १९०८ - Helen Jacobs, American tennis player (मदुगु १९९७)
- १९०८ - Will Lee, American actor (मदुगु १९८२)
- १९१० - Charles Crichton, British film director (मदुगु १९९९)
- १९११ - Lucille Ball, American actress (मदुगु १९८९)
- १९१४ - Arthur Charles Dobson, British racing driver (मदुगु १९८०)
- १९१६ - Richard Hofstadter, American historian (मदुगु १९७०)
- १९१६ - Dom Mintoff, Maltese Prime Minister
- १९१७ - Robert Mitchum, American actor (मदुगु १९९७)
- १९१८ - Norman Granz, American record producer (मदुगु २००१)
- १९२० - Ella Raines, American actress (मदुगु १९८८)
- १९२२ - Sir Freddie Laker, English entrepreneur (मदुगु २००६)
- १९२३ - Jess Collins, American artist (मदुगु २००४)
- १९२५ - Barbara Bates, American actress (मदुगु १९६९)
- १९२६ - Clem Labine, American baseball player (मदुगु २००७)
- १९२६ - Norman Wexler, American screenwriter (मदुगु १९९९)
- १९२६ - Frank Finlay, British actor
- १९२८ - Andy Warhol, American artist (मदुगु १९८७)
- १९२८ - Herb Moford, American baseball player (मदुगु २००५)
- १९३० - Abbey Lincoln, American jazz singer
- १९३२ - Howard Hodgkin, British painter
- १९३४ - Piers Anthony, English writer
- १९३७ - Barbara Windsor, English actress
- १९३७ - Baden Powell de Aquino, Brazilian guitarist (मदुगु २०००)
- १९३८ - Paul Bartel, American actor (मदुगु २०००)
- १९३८ - Peter Bonerz, American actor
- १९४० - Mukhu Aliyev, Dagestanian politician
- १९४१ - Lyle Berman, American poker player
- १९४१ - Ray Culp, American baseball player
- १९४२ - George Jung, American convicted drug felon
- १९४३ - Jon Postel, American computer scientist (मदुगु १९९८)
- १९४५ - Andy Messersmith, American baseball player
- १९४५ - Ron Jones, British TV director (मदुगु १९९५)
- १९४६ - Allan Holdsworth, British musician
- १९४६ - Roh Moo-hyun, South Korean politician
- १९४६ - Masaaki Sakai, Japanese comedian
- १९४८ - Dino Bravo, Canadian professional wrestler (मदुगु १९९३)
- १९४९ - Alan Campbell, Northern Irish clergyman
- १९४९ - Clarence Richard Silva, Catholic Bishop of Honolulu
- १९५० - Dorian Harewood, American actor
- १९५१ - Daryl Somers, Australian television personality
- १९५१ - Catherine Hicks, American actress
- १९५२ - Vinnie Vincent, American musician (ex-Kiss)
- १९५४ - Paul Steigerwald, American sports announcer
- १९५७ - Jim McGreevey, American politician
- १९५७ - Bob Horner, American baseball player
- १९६२ - Michelle Yeoh, Chinese-Malaysian actress
- १९६२ - Marc Lavoine, French singer and actor
- १९६३ - Kevin Mitnick, American computer hacker
- १९६४ - Moosie Drier, American actor and director
- १९६५ - Yuki Kajiura, Japanese composer
- १९६५ - David Robinson, American basketball player
- १९६७ - Archbishop Alexy (Bondarenko)
- १९६७ - Mike Greenberg, American sportscaster
- १९६७ - Julie Snyder, Quebec talk show host and producer
- १९६९ - Elliott Smith, American musician (मदुगु २००३)
- १९७० - M. Night Shyamalan, Indian-born American film director
- १९७१ - Merrin Dungey, American actress
- १९७२ - Geri Halliwell, British singer (Spice Girls)
- १९७३ - Vera Farmiga, American actress
- १९७३ - Max Kellerman, American sportscaster
- १९७३ - Stuart O'Grady, Australian cyclist
- १९७४ - Luis Vizcaino, Dominican baseball player
- १९७५ - Victor Zambrano, Venezuelan baseball player
- १९७५ - Renate Götschl, Austrian alpine skier
- १९७६ - Melissa George, Australian actress
- १९७६ - Soleil Moon Frye, American actress
- १९७७ - Jimmy Nielsen, Danish footballer
- १९७७ - Leandro Amaral, Brazilian footballer
- १९७८ - Marisa Miller, American supermodel
- १९८० - Danny Collins, Welsh footballer
- १९८२ - Karl Davies, British actor
- १९८२ - Derek Mount, American guitarist (Family Force ५)
- १९८२ - Adrianne Curry, American model
- १९८२ - Ryan Sypek, American actor
- १९८३ - Robin van Persie, Dutch footballer
- १९८६ - Bryan Young, Canadian ice hockey player
- १९९० - JonBenét Ramsey, American murder victim (मदुगु १९९६)
बिदा, पर्व व जात्रा
सम्पादन- बोलिभिया - स्वतन्त्रता दिवस।
- जमैका - स्वतन्त्रता दिवस।
- संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्स - H.H. शेख जायेद बिन सुल्तान अल नह्यनया राज्यारोहण दिवस।
- जापान - तोरो नोगाशी (हिरोशिमा) - [[हिरोशिमा[[य् अमेरिकी आणविक बमय् लाना स्युपिनिगु लुमन्तिइ फ्लोटिङ (Floating) मतः पर्व।
Liturgical feasts
सम्पादन- Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ
- Saint Agapitus (died २५८)
- Saint Donatus, bishop of Arezzo, martyr [Paris]
- Saints Felissimus and Agapitus, martyrs [common]
- Joachim (father of Mary (mother of Jesus), according to Catholic tradition)
- Saints Justus and Pastor, martyrs in ३०४ at Complutum [France]
- St. Xystus/Sixtus II, pope, martyr [common]
- Saint Walburga, virgin [Bruges]
- Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ
पिनेया स्वापूत
सम्पादनविकिमिडिया मंका य् थ्व विषय नाप स्वापु दुगु मिडिया दु: 6 August |